The Money Date Template:


I call this spreadsheet the Money Date Template because just like any relationship, the first step in building Wealth is getting cozy with your finances. So I suggest you set the mood, bring out your favorite drink of choice, maybe light some candles and cozy up as you work through this template.  


This template will calculate the gap between your income and your essential expenses. What is left over is your “potential freedom” gap.


This gap is the combination of your wants for today and building your wealth for tomorrow.


I define building wealth as saving an emergency fund, paying off debt, and investing. All of these activities will increase your Net Worth.


Once you find your potential freedom gap, I suggest looking through and writing out your “wants”/non-essential expenses from your credit card and debit card statements from the past month or two. Then go through them one by one and see if they align with what truly gives you joy. If some of them don’t, then maybe it’s time to cut them out and either make room for something else that gives you joy or adding more to your “Building Your Wealth” category.


I hope you find the Money Date Template helpful and here’s to more intentionality and building wealth in 2024 and beyond!

Click HERE to Access The Money Date Template!



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